Perhaps Pokemon Go will start telling us when our Gyms have fallen? I’d appreciate that a lot, to be honest. I have no idea what push notifications it’s going to start sending me– I haven’t been able to trigger any– but Ingress, Niantic’s previous app, used iOS notifications for certain alerts about PVP activity. When I installed the update, it also asked permission to send me push notifications.

If you see any evidence of your Google account permissions changing after this update, let us know. I don’t know how I’d need to trigger that change, or whether it applies to all past signups, or only to new ones. So although the update claims to change Google account permissions, I haven’t actually seen that status change in my account. Unfortunately, the app notes on iOS do not explain exactly how the scope of their account access has been altered, and when I check out my app permissions in my Google account, I’m still seeing this:

Although I do not think it’s even remotely likely that Niantic was sitting around reading everyone’s emails during the chaos of their buggy launch, it’s good that they no longer claim access to the entire account. The “Google account scope” line is a reference to the fact that Pokemon Go used to request full account access to your Google account– which means that Niantic technically had access to all the data in your emails, Google Docs, etc. – Added stability to Pokemon Trainer Club account log-in process – Trainers do not have to enter their username and password repeatedly after a force log out This update focuses on making Pokemon GO more stable with the following improvements:

Thank you for your incredible response and support of Pokemon GO! We are working hard to improve the experience for everyone. Here’s the relevant part of the update notes: Pokemon Go for iOS– the US store, anyway– just got an app update that claims to address some security concerns and bugs– and adds push notifications.